Sunday, June 6, 2021


I noticed that for three weeks, Dina wasn't saying a word. I thought that she herself was also exhausted and bored of this situation. I couldn't think of anything meaner than that. Only that night in London, before we performed, I found her crying in the dressing room. I took her in my arms and asked her whether everything was fine. She replied to me that there was something she needed to talk to me about just after the show. I was frightened that something very serious is going on. I can't explain it --it was probably due to the adrenaline of the whole show--, during these three hours on stage, I didn't think about Dina's words even once. This show in Royal Albert Hall would be the best show the band had ever made.

The band's appearance took place in Royal Albert Hall in London and it was a sold-out show. It lasted three hours along with an intermission and we played our most popular songs from 2011 until 2021. When Riders of Night started, the audience went crazy, while when I started playing Once Upon a Time in Autumn, I started to shed tears. During the encore, Dina gave such an emotional speech, that I burst out in tears, secretly from people. 

April 14, 2021

Alexandria's last show, promoting Arborial Language album. Also, the band's last show featuring two of its members.

The show came to an end and we triumphed. After we recovered from our ecstatic state, I asked Dina what she wanted to talk to me about. She gave me a gloomy look. "I don't feel ready to tell you yet, Ingrid", she said.

After that marvellous night in Royal Albert Hall, I returned to Ireland, accompanied by Bryan and Vivian. During the first days, we were discussing the situation and came to the conclusion that there was a single solution. Lydia had to be fired and we didn't need to replace her. We didn't need a third vocalist. Thus, we were about to call the others and discuss the matter of her dismissal. But we didn't get the chance. Dina called me because she felt ready to tell me about the topic, she had just referred to prior to our last show in London.  And while I expected her to announce her own departure from the band, she just threw to my face: "Lydia and Lars have stolen one and a half million euros and they are hidden somewhere in Latin America".

Dina doesn't feel any pity for people. She has the tendency to throw anything she's thinking straight to your face. Thus, she just told me what had happened, without considering my own reaction. And of course, I couldn't believe this was no joke. I cracked up and said: "Really? Latin America? Quite exotic".

"Do you think I'm joking?", she hissed.

"What else do you expect me to think when you just call me and the first thing you say is that Lydia is hiding with our money in Latin America?"

"Well, if you don't believe me, have a look in the band's bank account", she said and picked down the phone.

I started laughing nervously, but in the end, I opened the bank account and realised that money was indeed missing. I started sweating, as, after everything we'd gone through with Lydia, this was the ultimate blow. As I didn't know what to do, I thought of two solutions. Either I'd kill myself, or I'd call Dina back.

"Well you believed me", she said.

We remained silent for a while, but in the end, I said: "It's my fault. It's my fault because I turned a blind eye to the whole situation and now..."

"Listen to me", she interrupted me. "There's no time in putting any blame on people now and there's no point in doing this. Do you understand how serious this situation is?"

"I do understand", I said.

"Alright, then. The point is that we have to tackle this issue very carefully. And in order to do this, we have to be united. All of us will handle the situation, not only one of us".

For a second, I felt relieved. All this time, I had been thinking that I'd have to carry all that weight myself and I panicked. "I have to go now", she said. "I'd like to think more about it. You can also think and don't worry at all".

"Bryan is in the kitchen", I answered.

"Even better", she replied. "Discuss it together. And take care of yourself".

"Alright", I replied and picked down the phone.

After I walked in, Bryan asked me: "Is everything alright with Dina?" I sat down, putting my head inside my hands and sighed: "Yes, she is".

"Ingrid, what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to tell you".

"Is this serious?", he asked.

"We are splitting up", I whispered. "I see it coming".

Bryan was looking at me as if I were coming from another planet. "What....did Dina tell you?"

"Lydia and Lars stole one and a half million euros and they are hiding somewhere in Latin America".

Bryan laughed. "No shit".

"Do you think this is shit?" I replied and we checked the bank account. I was rubbing my eyes, believing that I was dreaming. But, unfortunately, this nightmare was real.

"Well, let's hold ourselves together...", he said.

"Dina told me she wouldn't let me handle all this alone".

"And she was right. Well, listen. We'll get the money whatever it takes".

"And how are we doing this?"

"Very simple", he replied to me. "We'll sue them".

"Bryan, what are you talking about?", I yelled. "Where are we going to find them? They've both disappeared in the Amazon".

"What do you mean? Doesn't the government know where they are?"

"The government?" I suddenly felt like I couldn't understand a single thing.

"Listen up, Ingrid", he said. "We don't know where the hell, in the jungle, they are. However, the government knows. We'll send the lawsuit at Norway's embassy and from this place, it'll be which country have they fled?"

"I think, in Brazil", I replied.

"Very well, in Brazil, and the lawsuit will reach the hands of those unspeakable ones. After that point, they are obliged to be present at court".

"Hmm, right", I said in irony. "So, we make all of our problems public. We also become anything we hate".

"People would anyway know this. Because Lydia would ask for pity in interviews. As long as people will learn this, why shouldn't this happen in the right way? Would you like people to fall upon you and swear at you because you sued Lydia?"

"Yes, but now the same thing is going to happen".

"No, because the truth is going to be presented".

I touched my head. "I feel dizzy", I said. "I wish all this were just a dream".

"Me too", Bryan told me. He hugged me and said: "Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. We'll all be united and in the end, we're going to be the ones who will win the case".

"Yes", I said, "we'll win a case against my best friend".

Bryan sighed: "I know that it is for you as hard as it for me as well..."

"No, Bryan", I exclaimed. "First, Lydia and I were like sisters. You met her a few years back through me. Second, if something goes wrong, I will be the one to eat shit, not the rest of you".

"You're right", he said. "But just think that the fact that you were close when you were in school doesn't mean you would remain as such when growing up. People change, Ingrid. Children are kind and innocent. And to quote from you, when we grow up, we are taught about how shitty the world can be. Then we have two choices. Either, we'll get to know it and stay away, or..."

"We'll fall in deep shit", I ended up his sentence.

"Exactly. Lydia fell in deep shit. Got it?"

I sighed. I stood up and grabbed the phone. "Dina, we're instantly flying to Norway".

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