Monday, May 11, 2020


In this blog, I'm going to be posting Ingrid story in English. I hope you read it and like it. I only need a favour. PLEAAASE don't ask me to give you details about what I'm writing e.g. Were you feeling like that, when you wrote that? Why did you write this? What comes next in the story BUT I'm really willing to listen to suggestions. For example, if something needs to be corrected you can inform me about it, but please be specific. If something is grammatically wrong, please let me know, as I'm no native English speaker. Don't just comment Hey, you're doing grammar mistakes. Also, it would be really fun if someone suggested me a scene, which I could add into the story. I love interacting with readers and letting them giving me their own ideas.
So the story is about to start soon.
Stay tuned.
The Cinema Soul

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